Start a Business
“Well Begun is Half Done” It will really matter that our business registration is done speedily, govt. approvals are taken early, brand name is protected and our financial arrangements are finalized soon. Growbiz will help the entrepreneur to start his business in time and take the first runner advantage for business.
Sole Proprietorship
In a proprietorship, the enterprise is owned and controlled by one person. He is master of his show. He sows, reaps, and harvests the output of this effort. He manages the business on his own.
Partnership Firm
A partnership, as distinguished from a corporation, is not a separate entity from the individual owners. The partnership income tax is paid by the partnership, but the profits and losses are divided among the partners, based on their agreement.
OPC Registration
One Person Company(OPC) is for those entrepreneurs who want to register their business as company in india but they are only single founder in the company. One Person Company (OPC) is a type of Private Limited Company where minimum and maximum number of members is one.
Private Limited Companies
Company form of business is the most-suited vehicle for those entrepreneurs who are looking for business growth and wants to run their business in a systematic way. A Company has a reputation and can arrange Bank Finance easily.
LLP Registration
The Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) comes among the most commonly popular and globally famous forms of incorporated establishments.