What is a Society?

A society is an organized group of individuals with a common purpose, such as a charitable, educational, cultural, religious, or recreational goal. Societies are typically formed to promote a specific cause or to advance the interests of their members.

Steps to Register a Society

  1. Choose a Name: Select a unique name for your society that reflects its purpose and goals.
  2. Draft a Constitution: Prepare a constitution outlining the objectives, rules, and regulations of the society.
  3. Gather Members: Recruit members who share a common interest in the society’s mission.
  4. Hold a Meeting: Convene a general meeting of the members to adopt the constitution, elect office bearers, and approve the registration application.
  5. Apply for Registration: Submit the required documents and application form to the appropriate government authority.

Constitution of a Society

A society’s constitution is a legal document that outlines its purpose, structure, and operating procedures. It typically includes details such as the name of the society, its objectives, membership criteria, rights and responsibilities of members, governance structure, and procedures for amending the constitution.

Why Register a Society?

Registering a society offers several benefits, including:

  • Legal Recognition: Registration provides legal recognition to the society as a distinct legal entity, separate from its members.
  • Credibility: Registered societies are often perceived as more credible and trustworthy by donors, government agencies, and the public.
  • Access to Funding: Registered societies may be eligible for government grants, tax exemptions, and other forms of financial assistance.
  • Limited Liability: Members of registered societies enjoy limited liability, meaning they are not personally liable for the debts and obligations of the society.

Purpose of society registration

  • To support arts
  • Political education dissemination
  • To make a donation to a charitable trust
  • Promotion of literature and science
  • Establishing funds for military orphans
  • Building public museums
  • Construction of public galleries
  • Establishing libraries
  • Promotion, dissemination, or instruction of knowledge that is useful
  • Natural history museum collections
  • Assemblages of mechanical and philosophical designs, creations, or tools.

Types of Societies

Societies can be classified into various types based on their objectives and activities. Common types of societies include:

  • Charitable Societies
  • Educational Societies
  • Cultural Societies
  • Religious Societies
  • Recreational Societies

Documents Required for Registration

The exact documents required for society registration may vary depending on the jurisdiction, but typically include:

  • Application Form
  • List of Office Bearers
  • Pan and adhsar of every member
  • Address Proof
  • Identity Proof of Office Bearers
  • Memorandum of Association
  • Bye-laws of society
  • Minutes of the General Meeting

Online Society Registration

The online society registration has to be completed in a step-by-step manner as described by the Act. The following requirements must be met in order for a society to be registered:

  • Members: A state society must have at least seven members, and it must have at least eight members from at least eight distinct states (including one from Delhi)
  • Jurisdiction: Wherever the society’s registered office is located is the applicable jurisdiction. in front of the district registrar for that specific region.
  • Regulating Act: The Societies Registration Act of 1986 governs the Society registration process
  • Property management: Property management: The property of the registered society is owned in its name and may be sold in accordance with the conditions outlined in its byelaws.
  • Dissolution: In case of dissolution the registered society has to wind up all the debts and liabilities and should donate the remaining funds to other societies having a similar objective. The fun will never be shared among the members
  • Executive committee: It comprises of a president, secretary, treasurer, and a vice president
  • Annual Compliance: Societies are required to submit an annual list of the names, addresses, and jobs held by members of their managing committee to the Registrar of Societies.

Society Compliances Post Registration

Following society registration, a trust must take the following actions:

  • Acquire a PAN card
  • Establish a bank account
  • Accounting and bookkeeping
  • Yearly IT filings

FAQ on Society Registration

 A: In some jurisdictions, online registration of societies is possible. However, offline registration may be required in certain cases.

 A: Some jurisdictions may allow the registration of societies with a single member, while others may require a minimum number of members.

A: Yes, a registered society can be dissolved voluntarily by its members or by order of the government authority.

 A: Yes, registered societies are typically required to file annual returns with the relevant government authority to maintain their legal status.

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