Govt & Tax Registration
Every business needs one government registration while nearly all require multiple registrations. Moreover, indirect taxes are those that are required to be collected from the customers by the suppliers, as soon as these taxes are paid; a proper document is required to be submitted periodically.
Service Tax Returns Filing
Service tax is an indirect tax levied on the services provided by the service providers in India. If you have a Service Tax Registration, you are required to file service tax registration twice a year, regardless of your turnover if it exceeds Rs 10 lacs.
VAT Returns Filing
All business firms that are engaged in sales of goods and services; as soon as their annual turnover crosses 5 lacs (varies to 10 lacs from state to state) they should have a VAT registration; is often called as TIN registration.
Profession Tax Registration
Profession Tax is a state-level tax that applies to salaried employees and professionals, including chartered accountants, lawyers and doctors.
Service Tax Registration
Service tax is an indirect tax levied on a wide array of services specified by the Central Government under the Finance Act, 1994.
VAT Registration
Value-added Tax (VAT) Registration, also erroneously known as TIN and CST Registration, is mandatory for any business entity engaged in the sale of goods in India and a turnover of over Rs. 5 lakh (although it may be higher in some states).