Change LLP Agreement

There are only 3 simple steps:

For making changes in LLP agreement, you are required to pass a resolution approving the revisions and filing form 3 with the registrar within a time frame of 3 days.

Advice on Requirements:

At Growbiz, we help you find exactly what you are looking for.

Document Drafting:

The first well drafted document will be shared with you within 3 days.


At Growbiz, we perform two rounds of iterations with no extra fees.

Change in LLP Agreement

As in the case of a Private Limited Company, MoA and AOA play the role of a charter, similarly, in the case of any LLP, Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) Agreement act as the charter of the company. The document contains the rights, duties, and operations of the company and to make any change in the document a resolution is required to be passed by filing Form-3 with the Registrar of Companies.

Procedure for changing LLP Agreement

3 Working Days:

For making any sorts of changes in the agreement, the partners must meet for letting the resolution pass. It could be related to anything like the changed capital contribution.

4 Working Days:

Within a timeframe of 30 days, Form-3 is required to be filled by the registrar.

What You Need To Know

Not on Exports

The default option for start-ups and growing businesses as only private limited companies can raise venture capital.

Steep Fines

The default option for start-ups and growing businesses as only private limited companies can raise venture capital.

No Going Back

The default option for start-ups and growing businesses as only private limited companies can raise venture capital.


  • Board meeting for the change in MOA.
  • Notice of EGM.
  • Altered memorandum of association.
  • A Certified and True copy of Special Resolution.
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