Profession Tax Registration

Required by all businesses, including professionals, with employees within 30 days, a Profession Tax Registration is easily obtained in 20 working days.

There are only 3 simple steps:

That’s it. Your Profession Tax Registration is done.
Please fill up the form below so you can speak to our legal advisor on the Profession Tax Registration process.

What is Professional Tax Registration?

Profession Tax is a state-level tax that applies to salaried employees and professionals, including chartered accountants, lawyers and doctors. The following states impose this tax: Karnataka, West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, Assam, Chhattisgarh, Kerala, Meghalaya, Orissa, Tripura and Madhya Pradesh. Registration is mandatory within 30 days of employing staff in a business or, in the case of professionals, 30 days from the start of the practice. This tax needs to be deducted from the salary or wages paid; the amount varies by state and amount, but is capped at Rs. 2500 per annum.

Profession Tax & Slab Rates around India

Profession Tax in Maharashtra

In Maharashtra, profession tax is governed by the Maharashtra State Tax on Professions, Trades, Calling and Employment Act, 1975. All employees and professionals with a monthly salary of over Rs. 7500 must pay profession tax. Those with a salary of Rs. 7500 to Rs. 10,000 must pay Rs. 175 per month, while those with a higher salary must pay Rs. 200 a month (Rs. 300 in February). Payment of the profession tax that is collected can now be made online.

Profession Tax in Tamil Nadu

Profession tax is governed by the Town Panchayats, Municipalities and Municipal Corporation Rules, 1988. The slab rates are as follows: All employees and professionals with a monthly salary of over Rs. 3500 must pay profession tax, starting at just Rs. 16 per month and going up to Rs. 182 per month for those earning over Rs. 12,501.

Profession Tax in Karnataka

Profession tax is governed by the Karnataka Tax on Professions, Trade, Callings and Employment Act, 1976. The slab rates are much simpler here, as there is only one rate. If you earn over Rs. 15,000 a month, you must pay Rs. 200 a month as profession tax. If you do not earn Rs. 15,000 a month, you don’t pay it at all.

Profession Tax in West Bengal

Profession tax is governed by the West Bengal Tax on Professions, Trade, Callings and Employment Act, 1979. Slab rates in West Bengal start at Rs. 90 a month, for those earning a salary of over Rs. 8500 per month. The highest rate, of Rs. 200, only kicks in for those earning over Rs. 40,000 per month.

Profession Tax in Andhra Pradesh

Profession tax is governed by the Andhra Pradesh Tax on Professions, Trade, Callings and Employment Act, 1987. Only those earning Rs. 15,000 and over per month need pay profession tax, which starts at Rs. 150, and is raised to Rs. 200 per month for those earning over Rs. 20,000 per month.

Profession Tax in Gujarat

Profession tax is governed by the Gujarat Panchayats, Municipalities, Municipal Corporations and State Tax on Professions, Traders, Callings & Employment Act, 1976. The tax starts at Rs. 80 per month for those earning over Rs. 6,000 per month, going up to Rs. 150 per month for those earning over Rs. 9000 and Rs. 200 per month for those earning over Rs. 12,000.

What You Need To Know

In Every State

The default option for start-ups and growing businesses as only private limited companies can raise venture capital.

Filing Returns

The default option for start-ups and growing businesses as only private limited companies can raise venture capital.

Penalties Apply

The default option for start-ups and growing businesses as only private limited companies can raise venture capital.

Profession Tax Registration Process

1 Working Day

You need to send in PAN cards, identity and address proofs of the proprietor/partners/directors. Details of your employees also need to be submitted.

2 Working Days

The Professional Tax application will be filed for all employees and submitted to respective authorities by our affiliate. Should all your documents be in order, this will take no longer than two working days.

7 Working Days

Within 5 to 7 working days, we will give you a basic acknowledgement. If the documents are not in order or the inspector asks for additional documents, the process will be completed as soon as you submit the additional documents. The hard copy is issued within 10 days in major cities, but would take 15 to 20 days elsewhere.
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