Trademark & Copyright

We make sure that all the hard-work you put in to create your own brand is now legally secured. Register a Trademark through Growbiz today!

Copyright Registration

Trademark is any unique expression related to a product or service that distinguishes it from others. This expression could be a word, slogan, photograph, logo, graphic, colour combination, sound or even smell however, most businesses are only looking for a brand name registration or logo registration.

Trademark Assignment

If a person wants to transfer his trademark rights/ownership of the trademark, then it can be easily done with Trademark Assignment. Trademark rights are transferrable through assignment agreement.

Trademark Renewal

Trademarks need to be renewed every 10 years, so, in accordance to that, a trademark renewal guarantees continued legal rights of the trademark holder of the trademark.

Trademark Objection

For many reasons, the Trade Marks office can have objections to your trademarks application. There are many possible reasons for Trademark objection.

Trademark Registration

Copyright Registration confers upon its owner sole rights to copy or reproduce the work or grant permission to another to do so. The applies to literary (books, scripts, even software) and audio-visual (music, photographs, movies) works

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